Hearing Testing in Michigan, Minnesota, & Florida
The World Health Organization projects that by 2050, one in ten people will have debilitating hearing loss requiring intervention. It’s even more common as you age—one in three adults over 65 experience significant hearing loss. Hearing loss typically develops slowly, making it hard to recognize. Without realizing it, many people turn up the TV volume or increase their earbuds’ sound levels to compensate. Unfortunately, doing so can accelerate hearing damage.
Detecting hearing loss early is crucial for preventing further damage. Regular hearing tests can help track changes over time and safeguard your overall health. Untreated hearing loss is associated with:
- Cognitive decline: Studies link hearing loss to memory problems and dementia.
- Social withdrawal: Difficulty communicating can lead to isolation, anxiety, and depression.
Hearing tests are quick, easy, and non-invasive. They can provide valuable insights into your hearing health and prevent irreversible damage. Don’t risk your well-being—schedule a hearing test today at one of our hearing clinics in cities like Lansing, MI, Edina, MN, Roseville, MN, Lake Wales, FL, or New Ulm, MN, and discover how hearing aids can improve your quality of life.

How Do I Know if My Hearing is Bad, and When Should I Get Tested?
For many people with hearing loss, figuring out that you have a problem is the hardest step. We’ve made it easy, though!
You can take our hearing loss quiz to see if you’re already experiencing the symptoms of hearing loss.
The general guidelines for such hearing aid discovery tests are:
- If you are under 50 and have no signs of hearing loss: You should generally have your hearing aid discovery test every 3 years.
- 50 – 65: You should have your hearing aid discovery tests at least once every two years. One in every four adults who report excellent hearing actually has some hearing loss, so it’s a good idea to get tested even if you aren’t noticing symptoms.
- 65 or older: At this age, more than 30 percent of people have hearing loss. You should get your hearing checked annually.
Hearing professionals also recommend that you undergo at least one hearing aid discovery test after reaching the age of 20 in order to establish a hearing baseline. The frequency of these hearing aid discovery tests can and should change if you begin noticing that you’re having hearing problems.

Seven Telltale Signs You Need a Hearing Test

How Can I Test My Hearing?
It’s easy to get started. Schedule Online with us for a hearing aid discovery test to see if hearing aids will improve your hearing.
Our hearing aid discovery test will check your ability to hear different frequencies. Most people will lose the ability to hear very low or high frequency sounds before there is any real noticeable loss of regular speech.

Types of Hearing Evalution in Michigan, Minnesota, & Florida
There are many ways to test your hearing. Depending on what kind of loss we suspect you have, we will perform as many of these tests as we need to in order to get a clear idea of how we can best help you. These tests include: